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Pre-Order Frequently Asked QuestionsUpdated 25 days ago

What is a pre-order?

  • Pre-orders are orders for items that are not in stock currently but are expected to be available for purchase at a later date. The estimated arrival date for the item is displayed on the product page. If you submit a pre-order, the item will be reserved for you and mailed out to you as soon as the shipment reaches our warehouse.

 When will I be charged for my pre-order(s)?

  • We'll charge you for the item at checkout. No surprise fees will occur!

 When will I receive my pre-order(s)?

  • We’ll list the shipping date beneath the “PRE-ORDER” button, and we'll send you a shipping confirmation email when the order ships.
  •  Every product on pre-order lists an expected arrival date. Our production department is in constant contact with our vendors to try to obtain the most up-to-date information possible. Once we know something has changed, we will update our listings and the information in your account.
  • We would all like pre-orders to show up within the expected time frame, but unfortunately, the supply chain is still experiencing delays. The expected arrival date is an estimate; there are no guarantees for exactly when pre-ordered products will arrive. No compensation can be given for pre-orders that arrive late. We don't recommend pre-ordering products as gifts or for special occasions that are time-sensitive.

 How can I see what’s available for pre-order(s)?

  • The easiest way to stay on top of everything going on at Heroes and Villains is to follow us on Socials and Sign up for Emails. We will regularly announce pre-orders on Instagram and via email.

 Where can I view my pre-order(s)?

  • After you place a pre-order, you can view it on your orders page. If you’re not already signed into your profile, or if you purchased as a guest, you’ll need to enter your order number (from your order confirmation email) along with the email address you used to place the order.

 Can I cancel my pre-order(s)?

You can cancel most pre-orders at any time prior to their arrival at our warehouse.
If you wish to cancel a pre-order, you will need to contact customer service to complete the cancelation. Please keep in mind that if you ordered another item with your pre-order, shipping will not be refunded.

When is [blank] expected to ship?

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